All things beautiful on the inside are equally and authentically beautiful on the outside.

Ask me what makes me beautiful and I will give you one word and one word only – FLAWS. By now, I’m sure it is established in our minds that being attractive or cute is not the same thing as being beautiful.

Beauty has been described as a particularly graceful, ornamental or excellent quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing, that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.

That right there is like the most complete definition anything and anybody can ever have. Please, do take special note of ‘senses’, ‘mind’ and ‘spirit’. You can now, after diligently digesting that, agree with me that beauty does not only lie in the eyes of the beholder, it mesmerises his senses, mind and spirit. I’m starting to think it is beyond mundane.

Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face, wearing fancy clothes or shoes, and having the perfect body. Beauty exceeds the physical, the obvious, the sounds and the olfactory attractions. Beauty is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart and most importantly, a beautiful soul. What is a cute face without a beautiful heart and soul?

To define beauty is to define attitude, it depends on the individual and their inputs. Simply put, anyone can decide to repress what really makes them tick and affable, and decide instead to furnish their physical self; or choose to dig deep, seek their inner beauty, appreciate it and exude graceful radiances, unalloyed self satisfaction and bursts of incessant glow.

One needs not be anyone but one’s own self to be lovely and lovable. The scars, wrinkles, flaws, imperfections and insecurities all tell a story; the “I am beautiful story.”

There is no one else like you. Our varieties and differences give greater meaning and depth to the concept of what beautiful truly is.



They wake up each day in agony,
“Will we ever return home?!”
“Will we ever see our parents again?!”
“Really, this cannot be our fate!”


As hard as I tried,
I and indeed us all,
Cant begin to understand their melancholy,
Or rationalize their ordeal.

Their families have it worst,
Will their girls return and wholly?
Will things ever be the same again?!

What exactly does the future holds,
As hundreds of our girls were forcefully plunged away?!
Isn’t it a shame,
That a nation dubbed ‘the giant of Africa’
Is embattled by fanatical insurgency?!

Isn’t it debasing,
That a nation that prides itself,
At sending troops for peacekeeping elsewhere,
Can’t even keep her homeland secured?!

I know there are many forces in play here,
God, please just #BringBackOurGirls,
The presidency and the impotent army are incompetent.


    Love is a word, bigger than the world,
    A creation equal to its creator,
    And a possession greater than its possessor.

    Love is not just a feeling,
    It is not like cookies or chocolate.
    It is actually a real virtue,
    The most important one really,
    That must be learnt and consolidated.

    Love induces bursts of vivid imaginations,
    Pools of endless possibilities,
    And vehement assertion of adornment.
    Yet, love is painful, malignant and breaking.

    Love is random,
    It doesn’t border on distance or race,
    Neither does strangeness deters it.

    Love requires relinquishing control,
    Of our own life and self.
    It involves submitting ourself to destruction,
    After all, to love is to destroy.

    Love makes you willingly let go of yourself,
    And makes you give in to others totally,
    In utmost trust and faith.

    Loving is a voyage many embark on unprepared,
    Some come to regret venturing,
    Others jump and fly.

    Honestly, no one is ever prepared
    For this journey into the unknown,
    Most just make do and rely on experience.

    Most importantly,
    Some of us are not afraid,
    Of dying for what we believe in.
    Still, love conquers all!



    It was a pretty cold, freezing night.

    A night drenched in silence,
    With such cold
    That hardens the nipples,
    And makes the hair on the back
    Of the neck stand straight;
    Nevermind goose bumps.

    A night holy,
    Only because we are alone.
    It is one of those nights when
    You only find solace,
    In the depth of your mind.

    A night when
    The only warmth you feel,
    Comes from
    Your own eccentric thoughts.

    On such nights,
    With closed hair follicles come
    The unimaginable widening of the Imagination, insight & perception.
    A night when
    Your philosophical self emerges.

    It is a night when being alone sucks;
    Yet, intellectually arousing.

    One of those nights,
    When their voices mean more
    To us than ever.
    A night when we try so hard
    To keep irrelevant memories
    In the old dusty box marked-


beauty isn’t about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul..

Long before now, I had decided that the perception of beauty lies not only in the physical and the obvious. Sometimes, it is the most obscure things and our insecurities that make us beautiful. Don’t even get me started on our flaws and imperfections. Beauty obviously stems from diverse roots and branches into even more different directions. What you see is what you get obviously; but again, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Now, the only things that matter here are the mentality and personality of the beholder, his judgement and depth.

By the way, let’s take a closer look at that common saying again, “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” I’m perplexed that it places beauty in the eyes and that right there is the reason for our continued misconception. Who exactly thought of defining beauty with the physical attributes as that saying denotatively screams? Except only if we were meant to look at the saying connotatively. The men of old are epitomes of intelligence and I can’t bring myself to think they would go denotative in this context.

One of the lowest of lows in my opinion is ‘low-self esteem.’ I know, I’ve hammered this nail non-stop, I just can’t seem to see beyond it as fundamentally crushing. Forget it, if you don’t perceive yourself as something, then don’t expect us to exalt you. If you don’t see the beauty in you because you are not attractive, then don’t expect us to want to know and unearth the gems in you. Yes, I admit it takes something to draw people in, it does not however have to necessarily be your looks; try intelligence or warmth for a change. Well, it is safe to say that some of us are not swayed entirely by the sights and sounds; they are basically bonuses.

I am burdened when I see, to be honest, unattractive people admit to “not being beautiful.” Yes, you are not cute in the eyes of the majority, but not beautiful? You really sure about that?! Except if in all aspects of their lives, they truly are not beautiful. I can tell you that there are indeed people that are neither cute nor beautiful.

I can’t seem to exhaust my frustration on this piece, but again, until another time with similar mood.

..yes, you might not be cute, attractive or gorgeous, we don’t care if it doesn’t stop you. Just stay beautiful..


    Alone with my thoughts,
    I stare into the all too familiar emptiness.

    Is it really all worth it?
    Is life really worth all the fuss?

    only a singular conclusion persisted;
    Yes, life holds much,
    Just as much as it demands.

    Out flat,
    only conscious of my aching self,
    I realised I am all I’ve got!

    In this solitary moment,
    When all that matters is
    the next breathe and living,
    Life seems so small,
    Yet so enormous.

    Small enough to snap,
    But large enough to fight for,
    And hold firmly onto.

    It wasn’t a show of strength,
    I know it was divine grace.

    Yet again, I live to die another day..