THE BEAST WITHIN- Chapter Twenty


Bello rolled excitedly out of bed at exactly 5am. He hadn’t had much sleep as his mind was pretty busy all night connecting dots. Adeola was fast asleep as he trod towards the bathroom which doesn’t justify the huge amount paid as rent. The water was cold and he winced with every drop that landed on his back. He used a considerable amount of her liquid wash and savoured the slippery feel on his skin. He left the bathroom all clean and refreshed.

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THE BEAST WITHIN- Chapter Nineteen


Don’t you tell me you missed the previous episodes. I’m mad at you but well, cop it here >>> Chapter Seventeen and Chapter Eighteen.


By the time she got home, Dayo had called her cell severally. She eventually switched off her phone and sank into her bed, wailing. It was around 8pm before she woke up. She had cried herself to sleep and she felt more miserable. She switched on her phone and called her mom.

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I was on my way to a very secret escape on a sunny Saturday afternoon when I was taken aback by love so sweet, innocent and exuberant.

God knows everything was working against me embarking on that 2hour journey late into a boring weekend.

First the ATM machine made sure I sweated my Dior polo shirt wet, then I faced the daunting prospect of a heavy traffic congestion.

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Gracias Amity for inviting me to share my thoughts on love.

I’m required to share my thoughts on love in 10 lines, using four words in each line and each line to include the word love and give my favourite quote on love.

It’s a pleasure to be sounded out by the poem-goddess herself and I hope my account isn’t too gothic for the spreading love campaign.

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