Hovering, hovering on a spot,
Circling a singular, familiar target.
He’s spoilt for choice,
Yet, He buzzes around this same,
Non-shiny target, strafing endlessly.


He strafs endlessly

Red-hot metals pouring down,
Shrapnel flying around.
Not contented,
He rains down crater creators,
Imaginary black holes forming in his head.
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“…Who said you can’t find love in the club?
‘Cause I wanna tell them they’re wrong
Come on, just, baby, try a new thing
And let’s spark a new flame…”


This was not how I envisioned my night. Dang! I should be boogying and having loads of fun, that I saw, that I wanted. Instead, at 10pm, I found myself staring, arms-crossed, just staring, on a cold night. I had set out to enjoy a cool Friday out, but, well, a satisfactory fun eluded me.
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So yesterday was supposed to reek of the usual boredom and indifference. I was supposed to be home all day, enjoying my extended vacation, alone, in my illuminated square box. The day was actually, in all honesty, keeping to the script, until my phone gave a loud shriek.
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Welcome to the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, LAUTECH Ogbomosho, Nigeria. Here, there are six basic departments- Medicine, Nursing, Biochemistry, Physiology, Anatomy and Medical Laboratory Sciences; in no particular order!

However, just as Biochemistry remains the bedrock of all Sciences, it has remained from time and memorial the villain of the Faculty. It is the course everyone loves to hate!  Continue reading


The aftermath of what women want too has been pleasantly gruelling and enlightening. I have been quizzed by disgruntled and equally excited members of both sex. In my defence, I’ve been forced to agree with some ladies that “no man” (apparently they haven’t met some of us) can honestly and sanely fulfill those “obligations”.

Are they really obligations? Aren’t they supposed to be every man’s duties and responsibilities? Shouldn’t they be things every and all men should provide and bring to the table in a relationship?!  Continue reading


“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”
– Albert Einstein.

Philosophers have across time and memorial marvelled and wondered about the enigmatic entity that the mind is.

The mind is a collection of perception, calculations, memories and instincts.  Continue reading